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“The i-act training has given me a clear understanding regarding the legislation concerning mental health issues within the workplace. I now feel much more confident when supporting employees who may be experiencing a mental health or wellbeing issue at work. The manual is exactly what every manager needs.”
Josh Colby, Area Manager
Managing and Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace.
Book an i-act course, the ESSENTIAL course for ALL managers and it's internationally recognised for all industries.
Become a registered i-act for positive mental health and wellBeing Manager
Managers and staff working in different offices in different countries?
Managers that may travel from coutry to country?
Looking for a robust accredited course that will support all of your managers and staff no matter where they are?
Then look no further, i-act is recognised around the world as a proactive support tool for your managers and staff, regardless of their location. Your managers will receive the same information, tools and resources so that you know they can support your staff anywhere in your business!
Upon successful completion of the i-act training for managers you will receive:
certification as an approved i-act manager*
a copy of the 168-page evidence-based i-act managers course manual, toolkit and resource pack
free membership, as an i-act manager, to the UK-wide Wellbeing Community
free access to the online i-act managers resources
accreditation by The Royal College of Psychiatrists
*i-act registration is valid for 3 years.
The i-act course for managers is aimed at supporting managers to improve workplace wellbeing and support employees who may experience a mental health or wellbeing issue in the workplace.
The i-act course comes with a 168-page evidence-based course manual, toolkit and resource pack (pictured left) for each manager.
The i-act manual includes over 50 tools to support managers and over 95 agencies/organisations to refer on to. The evidence-based i-act course and manual cites over 225 pieces of reputable references, researched by leading academics in the field working at Doctorate level.
The i-act course highlights what managers need to know regarding managing mental health in the workplace (for example regarding legislation and The Health and Safety Executive).
Course objectives: the i-act course for managers aims to:
give managers a greater understanding of mental health and wellbeing issues and recognise when colleagues may need further help and support
provide practical tools for promoting positive wellbeing in the workplace to help build resilience for ourselves as managers and for colleagues
offer guidance and advice for how managers may connect with colleagues who may be experiencing a mental health or wellbeing issue
equip managers with practical tools, a resource pack and signposting to further help and support concerning mental health and wellbeing issues.