MindWise Solutions is undergoing a transition from a Ltd company to a registered CIO. Our website is currently under reconstruction, but we are committed to providing support and information to those struggling with poor mental health, disabilities, and loneliness. Please reach out to us for assistance and guidance during this time of change.

We are currently under reconstruction

As times change, so must we.

Over the years that we have operated as MindWise Solutions, we have always tried to help as many people as we can, ploughing all our income minus running costs back into the running of our services.

Over the last 18 months it has become apparent that we can no longer do this and help those who need it the most so, we have decided to apply to be a recognised charity.

This will give us access to funds and support that will help us to help thoise who cannot afford to help themselves.

During this transition we are rebuilding our website to reflect the services and support that we will be offering, once we are a registered charity we will reopen our website with all the new refreshed and upto date information that you will be lookingh for.

We are currently under reconstruction

Looking for details on our MHFA courses?

Click below to discover an in-depth breakdown of our MHFA course content and what we can offer you and your team!

Looking for details on our I-act courses?

(all courses are accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists)

Click below to discover an in-depth breakdown of our i-act course content and what we can offer you and your team!

We always appreciate feedback and love to hear from our clients, heres a few we have received that we would love to share with you.

"Throughout the course I felt that the trainer's were really passionate about mental health approaching the subject with profesionalism and care"

"Would recommend to anyone showing an interest in a mental health course for a more detailed understanding of mental health issues and how to confidently approach assess and assist individuals"

"Excellent course. Instructors very extremely good at explaining the subject in a simple and approachable manner.Also they are lovely and very personable which made what are in effect very very difficult things to discuss much easier"

"The change that Both Micheal and Everita achieve throught the delivery of structured, informative, inclusive and passionate training, has, and will continue to break down misconceptions and preconceptions of those in the service provision sectors.and beyond by providing a deeper understanding and appreciation of mental health while.also.ensuring that more individuals with mental and physical differences are comfortable and more able to utilise services without barriers"

"Exceptional professionalism, knowledge and great people to deal with"

"Fantastic professional service, a great point of care to their clients, excellent communication throughout, would always refer potential clients to this service"

"Their attention to detail is exceptional and the level of empathy required to deliver these courses efficiently, with such outstanding results, is second to none"

"It's so rewarding to know I am learning the vital skills to support others and it has helped me to look after my own wellbeing more too"

"Unrivalled experience in the field, dignity and passion for the work is unparalleled while also emphasising respect in the workplace no matter the person or their circumstances"

"Great experts, trainers, people who contribute to accept diversities abd maje the world a better place"

"Michael and Everita are amazing. They keep growing in knowledge so they can deliver better and better results. They have very a good sense of humour in line with amazing professionalism and most importantly they have a big love and compassion for their job and their clients"


Trainer - Everita Strelca

Everita's career primarily focused around aviation where her day-to-day job became her passion. Her training programmes have helped develop airports globally in the area of passenger assistance...

Trainer - Michael Connolly

With Over 30 years in learning and development, Michael has a diverse training background allowing his approach to effectivley transfer from industry to industry...

Whether you are looking for I-act Manager, Employee, MHFA First Aider courses or Dementia Friends UK courses,

we are here to help you.

"Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year. But for every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions, they get back £5 in reduced absence, presenteeism, and staff turnover"

                                                                                                (Deloitte, 2020) 

"The wider economic costs of mental illness in England have been estimated at £105.2 billion each year. This includes direct costs of services, lost productivity at work and reduced quality of life"

                                                                         (Mental Health - Gov.UK)